Where we live it gets very hot during the summer. However, along with this hot weather comes some great places around town for birthday parties. We have a local water park that is great for all ages and the best part it is FREE!! So, this year we had decided to have a Pirate Birthday. What better place to have Pirate Party than a place with WATER!! To prepare for the big day we made invitations using clipart and made them at home using some wording I found in the internet. I had Kinkos run them on stockpaper to make them look nicer. I found so many items at the local dollar tree for activities and party favors during the party. I decorated the tables with pirate clothes from Target and plates from Target. They were very cute! I usually make the cakes, but when having a Pirate Party I just can't pass up the great deal Kroger has on their Pirate Cake. It is adorable and comes with a patch or the Party boy! Each child received a bucket and large soaker as they arrived to the party. They had free play with their toys for the first 1 of the party. We then had pizza, chips, cake and ice cream. Afterwards we opened presents and had more free play. As the children left I had GIANT Pirate coloring books from the Dollar Tree for them to take up. It was such an easy, inexpensive, and mostly cute party. If you do not have the local parks in your area you could always do a water theme in your yard with slip and slides, sprinklers, water balloons, etc. Hope you gained some ideas for a Summer Pirate Party.
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